Create a Coin

First, connect your wallet to OnlyApes. You must have ETH on the Base or Blast blockchains to deploy or trade memecoins.

From there go to the create coin page to get started.

To create a coin you will need:

  1. Token Name: What do you want to call the coin? (e.g. Dogecoin)

  2. Token Symbol: What is the ticker symbol (e.g. DOGE)

  3. Description: What is the coin about?

  4. The meme

  5. 0.002 ETH to create the coin

That's all! The following optional items are also available:

  1. Website

  2. Twitter

  3. Telegram

While these are optional, we do recommend having one of the three available so that interested buyers can chat with you! If you'd like to get the meme out first you can also do that and leave the above links in the comments afterward.

The "Snipe Amount" is the amount of the coin you wish to purchase for yourself at creation. The preview card on the right of the create coin menu updates to show the percentage of the Ape Bar your snipe amount will fill.

Once you complete the required information and create the coin, you will automatically be redirected to the coin's trading page. On this page you can see trading history, top holders, and Ape or sell tokens. You can also leave comments on coins.

Last updated