Q: What is it?

A: OnlyApes lets you launch your own memecoins for just a few dollars. Launch memes, ape memes, and have fun.

Q: How does it work?

A: When you create a meme on OnlyApes, it can be bought and sold on the platform until its Ape Bar is full. When its Ape Bar is full, it will launch a Uniswap pool (Base) or Thruster pool (Blast) with the ETH that's been aped and permanently lock the LP. No one can remove this liquidity or otherwise prevent trading of tokens launched using OnlyApes.

A: https://onlyapes.xyz

Q: What happens to the token when it's fully aped?

A: OnlyApes pairs the ETH from bonding curve buyers with a portion of the token, creates an LP position on UniswapV3 (Base) or Thruster (Blast), and locks the LP. You can then freely trade on Uniswap as you would any token.

Q: At what point does a token get launched on Uniswap?

A: The exact launch point varies with the current ETH price, but should be around $75k marketcap. It takes 5.45 ETH to fill the bonding curve.

Q: XYZ tool says the LP is not locked, is it a rug?

A: We use an LP locking contract which some tools may not correctly detect. The LP is permanently locked in this contract. It can never be withdrawn, by anyone. Our locker contracts for each supported chain can be found in our address book.

Last updated